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The UK Patient Warming Conference

This Conference is now Closed

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Conference attendance aimed at Anaesthesiologists, Anaesthetists, Operating Department Practitioners and Theatre Managers with an interest in patient temperature management and hypothermia prevention.

A warm patient is a safe patient! Core temperatures outside the normal range pose a risk to all patients undergoing surgery.

Fortunately, unintended hypothermia can be prevented through the practice of temperature management. This conference will explain the importance of temperature management during surgery and patient warming. The day will also give attendees an opportunity for networking with fellow senior clinical professionals to share experiences.

Learning Outcomes

  • Gain insight into NICE guidance and the importance of pre warming in protecting against Surgical Site Infections.

  • An interactive discussion on patient empowerment for pre warming.

  • Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes

Event Host

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