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Duty of Candour

Duty of Candour conferences will equip you with a proven methodology and a highly-regarded report structure that will help with the investigation of incidents and the production of reports.

In the wake of the Francis Inquiry into the failings at Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust the Department of Health has introduced a contractual duty of candour that requires NHS and Foundation trust staff to be open and honest with patients and their families about patient safety incidents.

This new duty emphasises the need for patient safety incidents to be investigated using a robust methodology; for investigation reports to be evidentially sound, accessible and focused on producing actionable and reasonable recommendations.

Feedback from previous Implementing the Duty of Candour with Empathy conference delegates:

  • “A positive experience, which provided valuable insight into the implementation of the statutory duty” 

  • Very informative and thought-provoking; good opportunity to take time out of the workplace to consider how we discharge DoC and also how to make a meaningful apology” 

  • “I thought it was really refreshing. Today was good because we could hear from Trusts around the country and share good practice” 

  • “Very informative around law, policy and implementation. Personal stories and case studies very helpful.” 

  • “This was a really good class with the right mix of statutory guidance but the emphasis on empathy and how to manage the process well. Liked and learnt from all parts of the day” 

Conferences & Masterclasses

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