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Clinical Audit for Improvement 2024 is now in its 24th year and brings together clinicians, senior/middle managers and leading local and national clinical audit and improvement experts.
Over the last two decades this event has become the ‘must-attend’ annual conference for clinical audit and QI professionals. Historically this one-day virtual conference has featured national updates with leaders providing information on relevant current and future policy. However, in 2024 the focus will change slightly with more emphasis on practical skills and techniques needed by those involved in delivering clinical audit projects at a local and/or national level.
“Trusts rated good and outstanding have effective clinical audit processes and ensure that clinical audits are used to drive quality improvements”
Care Quality Commission
“Clinical audit forms the backbone of clinical governance systems in most health service providers today.”
NHS Improvement
“Audit data can and does continue to drive improvements in our patients’ care.”
Dr Jane Youde, Royal College of Physicians
Through a series of keynote presentations, debates, practical case studies and extended interactive workshops attendees will better understand how to make clinical audit projects more effective. Delegates will also be able to see how IT advances can help improve clinical audit delivery. This event is aimed at clinical audit managers and professionals, clinical audit leads, quality improvement professionals, clinicians undertaking clinical audit projects and senior managers.
The conference this year will focus on the challenges of delivering effective clinical audit at a local level local. All healthcare organisations need to demonstrate that their local clinical audit functions are robust, effective and fit-for-purpose. Local audit projects and programmes should highlight good care, pin-point sub-standard and unsafe care, serving as an efficient mechanism to deliver impactful improvements. Local teams increasingly need to consider how clinical audit relates to patient safety initiatives and the new Patient Safety Incident Response Framework. The Clinical Audit census carried out by the Clinical Audit Support Centre and Audit Management and Tracking in 2023, highlights that often under-staffed and under-resourced clinical audit teams are facing considerable similar challenges. Lack of engagement in clinical audit blights many healthcare organisations, while others struggle to provide staff with clarity in terms of how they should utilise clinical audit as an improvement methodology.
The programme includes a range of experienced and expert clinical audit and QI professionals who will share their personal experiences. The focus will not be on theory and how approaches could be taken, instead the emphasis will be on real world examples of how to implement high quality approaches to all elements of the clinical audit process.
The conference will enable you to:
Understand the requirements of national clinical audit and how to meet expectations.
Examine approaches for taking results from NCAs and turning these into effective actions.
Understand why an appreciation of statistics is key to success in clinical audit.
Explore different approaches to sampling your patient populations.
Understand what Excel skills and tricks clinical audit staff commonly use.
Discuss the role of Caldicott and Information Governance in clinical audit.
Self-assess your clinical audit leaderships skills: how do you measure up?
Understand why leadership skills are vital to success in clinical audit.
Debate why clinical audit action plans often fall short of what is expected.
Understand why PSIRF may help us to create more robust and effective action plans.
Consider why you should be publishing your clinical audit projects.
Examine what the key skills are needed for ensuring your clinical audit work is published.
Assess how clinical audit and QI best align in healthcare organisations.
Understand how teams have successfully merged their clinical audit and QI functions.
Explore how bespoke software can help teams better manage their clinical audit programme.
Support CPD professional development and act as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes