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This conference focuses on improving services and outcomes for people who self-harm, and implementing and monitoring adherence to the NICE Guideline: Self-harm: assessment, management and preventing recurrence.
In this conference, through case studies and expert advice we will explore how we can support people who self-harm by ensuring a compassionate approach, understanding the common causes and drivers, as well as developing safety plans with a path to recovery.
““People who present to hospital for self-harm may be at highest risk of dying by suicide in the year after their discharge from hospital, particularly in the first month. Timely access to appropriate care can prevent suicides. NICE guidelines on self-harm recommend that people should receive follow-up within 2 days of their initial psychosocial assessment and that access to therapy should not be determined by diagnosis, age, drug misuse or co-existing conditions. However, people do not receive follow-up during this high-risk period. Despite clinical guidelines, access to talking therapies after self-harm is variable. Good quality aftercare exists, but is not widely available.””
National Institute for Health and Care Research, September 2023
““In the year ending March 2022, there were more than 25,000 hospital admissions across the UK for self-harm among children aged eight to 17. This was the highest figure for any age group and made up more than a quarter of total selfharm admissions. In the 12 months prior, there were just under 21,000 admissions for those aged eight to 17. Since 2017-18, admissions for those aged eight to 17 had small increases each year, before rising by 22% in the last year.””
BBC News, March 2023
Stream A: Working with People Who Self-Harm, Early Intervention and Averting Crisis
This stream will focus on providing training that is appropriate to the responsibilities of staff members who work with people who self-harm, as well as understanding the stigma associated with it and engaging compassionately with patients. We will also be looking at early intervention and the use of safety plans to mitigate the risk of suicide.
Stream B: Improving Practice, Support and Improving Crisis Support within the School Setting
This stream will focus on practical and collaborative ideas that can be put into action to improve practice in schools. We will be looking at early identification aids, preventative measures and methods to take the appropriate response to self-harm. This session will conclude with a group discussion on all the points covered.
This conference will enable you to:
Network with colleagues who are working to improve services and outcomes for people who self-harm
Reflect on the Lived Experience of a person who has self-harmed
Learn from outstanding practice in the management of self-harm
Update your knowledge on national developments including the Sept 2022 National NICE Guideline Self-harm: assessment, management and preventing recurrence
Examine what an effective self-harm pathway should look like?
Ensure early identification and intervention in schools
Develop your skills in ensuring a compassionate approach to self-harm
Implementing & Monitoring Adherence to the New NICE Guideline for Self-Harm in Practice: Assessment & Treatment Intervention and Principles
Understand how you can improve the response to self-harm in the emergency department
Identify key strategies for involving and engaging families of people who self-harm
Ensure you are up to date with the latest evidence
Develop strategies to support people to be safe after self-harm
Self assess and reflect on your own practice
Supports CPD professional development and acts as revalidation evidence. This course provides 5 Hrs training for CPD subject to peer group approval for revalidation purposes