News and updates from today's conference focusing on saving young lives – preventing suicide in children and young people.
A personal story – the loss of a young person through suicide: How can we better support bereaved relatives?
• bereavement and complicated grief
• what could be improved to support families and young people
• providing targeted support to young people who are bereaved (particularly by suicide)
• what needs to change
Robert Stringer
Co-Founder, Hector’s House
Hector’s father and founder and trustee of Hector’s House. A partner in a Wealth Management business.
Robert shared his personal story of very sadly losing is son Hector to suicide in 2011.
Robert said "76% of suicides in the UK are male".
He went on to say "Young people can become anxious, overwhelmed by things in life including exam pressure" He said "At Hectors House we talk about Eat, Move, Love - we explain how important nutrition is and we encourage people to move - have a quick walk, excercise, release endorphins which will ultimately help with sleep"
Robert also talked about spotting signs of crisis and shared the acronym SIGNS
Sleep Disturbance, Isolation, Giving away possesions, No interest in anything, Speaking of no future.
Moving Towards A Suicide Prevention Approach in CAMHS
• co-producing a treatment plan when a young person comes to camhs
• taking a preventative approach to treating young people in the local area
• improving data sharing and communication between CAMHS services, education, social services and local authorities
Dr Natalie Roberts
Consultant Clinical Psychologist, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust
Natalie has worked in community CAMHs since 1999 and is currently the lead psychologist for Community CAMHs in Hampshire.
Natalie said "When emotions are too unbareable to carry, we need strategies of how the mind treats unwanted emotions"
She said "Some strategies are helpful and some are unhelpful, parents want communication with their children but the teenage years are naturally a time that individuals want less connection with family and more time with peers and friends".
Suicide prevention & mental health awareness in schools: Improving crisis support within the school setting
• supporting children and young people who are disclosing thoughts of suicide in an education setting
• identifying children that could be at high risk of suicide
• supporting schools with the tools and strategies for education staff
• case studies in practice
Ainsley McGoldrick
Senior Educational Psychologist, East Renfrewshire Educational Psychology Service
Ainsley McGoldrick is a Senior Educational Psychologist in East Renfrewshire Council. As an Educational Psychologist she supports children, young people and families from preschool through to secondary age with a wide range of additional support.
Ainsley said "All young people are at risk, some of the risk factors apply to all teenage aged children"
Ainsley talked about suicide First Aid she said "Its important to stay calm, make a connection, to listen and have patience"
Ainsley also said "When a young person in crisis approaches you for help, thank them for being honest, Just listen and show you care, avoid offering advice, opinions or solutions, as we are human beings we want to take away their pain, but it's important to really listen to them"